Saturday, January 20, 2007

BERLIN: Late Night Walk

Soon after arriving in Berlin I took a very long walk through the city at night. I had read that most areas were safe and felt comfortable on my own--with nothing but a decent map. Unfortunately, I do not have that map with me now as I post this and my memory is already poor. So, I'll report on this again SOMETIME (maybe) with more details. For now, please just enjoy the pictures. I did not stay in this hotel on the left--just thought it looked wonderful painted and lit up on a quiet evening.

This picture of the Bauhaus Museum was actually very difficult to take. Every attempt failed to capture the way it looked to my eye. The sign is incredibly bright and visually noisy, but the building itself quiet and dark. Never made it inside.

I liked this view of the river runnning through the city at night, the long reflection of neon on water, and the stream of car lights on the left.

This small pool is in the center of Potsdamer Platz. It may be a fountain but was never running during my stay. Potsdamer was a busy commercial area before the city was divided and then transformed into a security buffer zone (wasteland) from what I could gather from maps and photographs. It is now packed with glass and steel structures like the Sony Headquarters for Europe. I like the blue-light edges on the glass rectangles in the photograph and how they reflect in the water.

This is a Deutsche Bank office building in Potsdamer, right near the Sony Style building.


Unknown said...

WOW, David! Really nice images. Thanks for sharing them and your experience(s) with us, and good luck with your research.

Neha said...

Hey there,

I love the photo of the hotel..I might be in Germany this I'll definitely ask you more then!

Sarah said...

i'm envious, david :) i'm glad you're having a good time!