Saturday, January 27, 2007

BERLIN: Long Day Part 5 -- Tachales

My visit to the north east part of the city started in a Jewish cafe by the Neue Synagoge. Although colorful, this plate of homemade gefilte fish, challah, and salads was only so-so. The waitress was very kind.

Tachales is an artist space within an old industrial building. Here is a picture looking back at the entrance onto Oranienburger Str.

While the entire building reminds me of an old factory in Jersey City taken over by artists, this hallway really draws up those memories. Tachales shows what such an effort can become. I like the balance of studios, stores, and bars reached without losing the graffiti and grit.

The stairways were not well lit and I did not have a tripod. So, this image needed a bit of processing to make presentable. Although there is something unnatural about the colors on the right, I think they are accurate. I mean, they are from spraypaint after all--nothing natural about that!

I had a whisky in this little bar and movie theatre located on one of the upper floors of Tacheles.

1 comment:

solargun said...

very cool. the places look so dense and filled with rich, detailed urban decay. but a bit eerie that there's no humans visible. kind of reminds me of sets from a punk 80s film, maybe a random side building from bladerunner.